Why Clean Your Dryer Vent and Why Should You Use Dryer Vent Wizard?

Unfortunately, many people believe that cleaning your dryer vent means removing the lint from the filter usually found at the top of the dryer and that means their dryer vent is clean.

But that’s far from accurate.

Cleaning your dryer vent means calling in a professional who will do a number of things.

It starts with a visible inspection and measurement of airflow and back pressure measurements to determine how serious a blockage may be. Then, any debris is removed. This can be anything from lint and animal nests to that missing sock.

So, why is this important?

First, it saves energy, and right now, as we are seeing our utility bills climb, that’s a good thing. It reduces the need for maintenance and wear and tear on the dryer. But this may be the most significant reason – fires.

Lint left in the dryer vent is highly flammable. Left in the dryer vent, it can cause a fire in your dryer that can then lead to a larger home fire.

Nearly 17,000 home clothes dryer fires are reported annually. These clothes dryer fires cause approximately 51 deaths, 380 injuries and $236 million in property loss, according to the National Fire Protection Association. In fact, more than 90 percent of fires related to washers or dryers are a result of dryer vent problems.

And unlike many other types of home fires, these are preventable.

The experts at Dryer Vent Wizard can virtually eliminate these dangers, as well as the removal of toxic carbon monoxide buildup and the reduction of mold and mildew.

So, schedule an appointment now. Once we’ve done our initial examination and work, we can get you on a regular schedule to protect your home and family.